A deal with dice

In a darkened pub, the deal would go down. They had chosen a fairly remote location, away from the city. It was quite old man’s pub for all purposes, the only thing out of place were two fresh faced men placing so sort of dungeons and dragons game. No one thought much about it and the meeting began. The dealer and the supplier needed to talk about the previous batch. One had cut the other short, though in truth both and screwed the other over. One was light on the cash, the other had padded the product. Still neither one could break face on the matter. There’s no honour in crime or business after all. After the second pint, the barriers broke down and a new deal was in the works. Throughout the conversation, the clatter of dice hitting the wooden table caused mild annoyance to the pair. A professional would have let it be, but these were not calm men. Maybe it was the stress of the start of the encounter or just the booze, but something forced one of the men to take it upon themselves to address the men playing their game.

‘ Would you two fucking faggots cut out your game?’ he shouted.

The pair looked at the dealer.

‘ What would you do about it?’ asked One of the gamers.

The dealer pulled out a knife and stabbed it in the table.

‘ I’ve in middle of fucking deal and your noise is pissing me off, so either back it in or you’ll be both getting cut up.’

The gamers smiled to each other and from their shirts they pulled out police badges.

‘ You’re nicked sunshine,’ said the undercover policeman.

His partner then pulled out a pistol.

‘ I doubt you’ll be getting a saving throw against my fucking shot,’

The dealer turned around, but his supplier was long gone. After he was processed at the station the officers signed out. They saw two colleagues coming in.

‘ You got you Magic decks sorted lads?’ they laughed.

‘ We’ll keep doing it until it stops working,’ said the officers. ‘Speaking of which, boss says you’re undercover at the Birdcage, don’t forget your high heels ladies.’




I adore my little cousins: Layla (almost a young women and once my number one fan as a young blood), Max (the showman and entertainer, he’s got a bit of palsy and other disabilities but he charms everyone) and Dillan (huge little bugger for a five year old and full of energy) . They’re gonna be my family till the day I die (God willing) and one of the best memories I have is of the Queen’s Jubilee party my grandma held.

The game she had plotted involved a tray, a variety of chocolate blocks, a large sponge dice, knife and folk and a pair of gloves. Easy game: roll a six, place on the gloves, use knife and fork to eat chocolate until another 6 was rolled. What could go wrong? So I sit with the other grandkids and take part in this game. Dillan has been on a chocolate ban so a few weeks so this is a big opportunity to feed his addiction. So we all roll this fuzzy dice and wait for a six. Finally Max is first up. My grandma and I help get his gloves on and he does well with the fork (maybe we helped cut a few pieces up.) The dice go around and eventually Layla is the next one to get a six. Getting the gloves off Max is pointless, he loves them too much so we just carry on. Layla manages to inhale about a third of the tray before the next 6 appears. I get the roll as Layla complains she’s feeling sick.

Dillan starts to shake in anger: he needs his chocolate. So as I eat the dice keeps rolling. The problem is Dillan gets more angry as Max takes more time to roll the dice. Max loves the attention everyone gives him holding onto the dice. Fists clenched Dillan screams at Max for not rolling the dice. Finally Dillan gets a 6 to the cheer of the room. He reaches for the knife and fork and passes me the dice. I roll the dice… 6. Dillan looks at me in a mixture of horror and hatred. My grandma disallows the roll and tells me to go again. Another roll… 6. Dillan is almost in tears and he looks around for help. My grandma disallows the roll, but makes it clear the next six that appears sticks. I close my eyes and throw it above my head. Dillan bursts into tears… another 6. The room roars in laughter as Dillan bawls his eyes out, Layla throws up in the kitchen sink, Max crawls for dear life towards the dice and I finish off the tray.

Family memories.