Coming out

There was nerves back stage before the show was to start. It wasn’t too late to turn back now and call the whole thing off. No… he couldn’t, not now. He wanted to let the world know the truth. He was announced on stage by the host and he entered to a roar of cheers. He was Sebastian La Flo the hottest actor on the scene. He was famed for his homosexual roles and playing historic gay icons on TV and cinema. He was welcomed by Mary, the most popular TV talk host right now. He was sat down on the cream sofa and welcomed. They talked about the latest film he was in as the first openly gay doctor in the US. Then it wound down to the big announcement:

‘So you have something you wish to talk about outside your latest film,’ said Mary.

‘Yes,’ said Sebastian. ‘It’s been a long difficult decision, but I think the time has come to let the news go public. There has been a lot of speculation in the news and I’d rather get it all out in the open.’

With a deep breath he uttered the words: ‘I’m straight.’

The crowd cheered and applauded.

‘So how long have you known you were straight?’ asked Mary.

‘Well when I was a boy I didn’t have much interest in girls. Actually I thought they were yucky and throw rocks at them with the other boys. When I got to high school I started having attractions to women and I think I knew then I was straight.’

‘So how did your family react?’

‘My mother always knew I was straight… she’d take me to fashion shows and I would talk to the models. I showed no interest in musicals, dancing, Beyoncé… I just wanted to shoot toy guns and watch football. It took a while for my dad to accept it, but he’s very supportive now.’

‘How do you feel it will affect your career?’

‘Honestly I’m not sure if the world is ready for a straight equality hero yet… but I hope my fans will support me.’

‘Have they?’

‘It’s been mixed. Some names been thrown around, ‘ breeder’, ‘ Boring’ and ‘Christmas bauble.’

‘What is a Christmas bauble?’

‘Someone who is colourful on the outside while dull and hollow on the inside.’

‘That is really harsh.’

‘Yeah, but I just move on with it. I’m even founding the first Hetro-white support group.‘

‘So do you have a partner?’

‘Yeah I have a long term girlfriend… Jessica… and I want to move forward with her beside me. She has supported me throughout my career and I want to support her in her choices. So hopefully we’ll be having a family in the next few years and it can be in the public eye. I am not ashamed to say I love a woman.’

The audience roared with claps.

‘Thank you so much Sebastian,’ said Mary. ‘We’re going to take a short break. When we get back we meet Victoria a woman who was born… a woman.’