Thingsmyexsaid- a review

In our lives we will find the love our lives. We will care for them, share our hopes and dreams, experience some powerful physical motions and generally believe we have found the perfect partner. Then we get dumped. It fucking sucks. While the rest of society copes with alcohol, eating their body weights in junk food, crying floods of tears or just being psychotically bitter, one person had a different idea.

This is the blog of Things my Ex said, a blog devoted to the sharing the most humours (and often painfully terrible) things that scorned lovers have been told. A quick one or two panel comic with the 1950’s style that takes on average less than 15 seconds to read, these post leaves with you with hours of discussion. Things my Ex said brings an interesting light onto break ups by empowering the heart broken rather than pitying them. There is no background to the characters or who these people are, no different than juicy conversations you overheard at a bar or waking in the street.

I love this blog, the diversity of stories and events makes no two post the same. It’s frequent enough to look forward to, but not end up being flooded into you’re feed (sorry guys if I’ve ever done this I do limit to 3/7 days a week for a reason). The option to submit your own stories and quotes also gives a lot more interaction between the writer and the subscriber which is an excellent feature. The language is relevantly clean though the content of conversation may not be suitable for young children. From the shocking awful truths to the almost alien logic of the ex’s, you’ll laugh at the absurdity, you’ll grit your teeth in frustration and maybe on the right kind of day you’ll shed a tear in empathy.

For all I praise this blog for, it also has its faults. For women it may be empowering, but for men it can seem rather sexist as it portrays men as the absolute evil in all failed relationships. I will add that there have been posts made for men who have had terrible ex’s and it may just be that few men are as open to talk about their ‘feelings’ to a stranger. Given how much lad mags and websites are devoted to ‘slut shaming’ do far worse I think the world could just take a bit salt and enjoy the stories. Then there’s the issue that we never really get to know the people behind the quotes, as such there is a sense of bias towards the ‘quote poster’. One post was in regards to a boyfriend saying that he thought his girlfriend was ‘like a character from Lord of the Rings’. This needs so much more context. If he’s saying she’s an Orc than yeah what a bastard, but say it was an elf (generally beautiful creatures loved by all but dwarfs) than that a compliment. To me if that was the worst thing your ex ever said to you than maybe you needed a reality check on how good you had it.To sum up at its best Things my ex said is a wonderful cheeky and healing blog that can remind any heartbroken woman that it better to laugh at your monster than cry over them. At its worst, it’s a man hating free for all for bitter spinsters. My personal view: Read five posts and you’ll be hooked. If you get offended lads, I’m sure you’ll ‘man up’ and move on with your life.