Glassman: a trip down memory lane


The peaceful city… IS UNDER ATTACK! A new menace has come forward and only one superhero can step forward… assuming he can get the time off. Glassman, the man with the power to control glass has managed to get a lift to the crime scene by his ex-girlfriend Veronica.

‘We’re here,’ said Veronica.

‘Thanks,’ says Glassman as he undoes his seatbelt.

Before exiting Glassman was forced to speak his mind.

‘Did you find my DVD yet?’

‘No… I’ll look for it later.’

‘It’s just I asked for it a while ago and I don’t want to pester…’

‘Is this about Peter moving in with me?’

‘No… though while he’s moving in you happen to find my DVD…’

‘Look we had something special, but things got complicated. Between the late shifts and saving the city we just weren’t a couple anymore.’

‘Veronica I just want to watch The Dark Knight again okay. Just post it when you find it.’

With that Glassman got out the car to face his newest foe: The Retro tinker.

‘WAZZZZZZZZZZZZUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!’ shouted the Retro tinker, his tongue full extended.

Glassman looked around and saw a variety of retro toys scattered about in Police cars: Rubix cubes, Pogs, Furbies, hula hoops, Slinkies , Original Gameboys and Larva lamps.

‘What the deal then?’ groaned Glassman.

‘What cha talkin about Glassman?’ asked Retro tinker.

‘What’s your powers, why are a threat?’

‘I turn stuff into other stuff… mostly retro toys from the 90’s to the 60’s.’

‘Okay so… why did the police show up?’

‘I wanted to urinate in the street, but they wouldn’t let me so I turned them into toys and there’s no changing them back.’

‘They’re dead in a sense then.’

‘Circle gets the square.’

Glassman rolled his eyes, ‘so how do I get you to stop turning people into Ebay fodder?’

‘You don’t… I just keep going until I get bored with playing with all these toys.’

‘ Well you got a large supply now… wait what about one of those red camera things with the paper circles. Fuck what were they called?’

‘View-masters, yeah I need to get one of them.’

And with a blast of his cosmic nuclear powers given to him by a radioactive bite from Jim Hendrix Retro tinker turned a police car into a retro viewer. Glassman took it and clicked through it.

‘Wow it’s all pictures of New York… Madison square Gardens, the Empire State Building… the world trade…oh that’s depressing.’

Glassman and Retro tinker stood silently.

‘Wait can you make me a DVD of…’ asked Glassman, but Retro tinker shook his head. ‘Right either stop turning things into this crap or I’ll have to beat you.’

‘Say what? You can’t beat me Glassman!’

Glassman flicked his wrist in the air and a lava lamp smashed over the Retro tinker’s head. The lava goo burnt down his face and he landed face down in a pool of boiling water.

‘Yep… that’ll do,’ said Glassman, leaving Retro tinker to drown in his own blood.